Now there's a fun and easy way to help your patients find the best brands for their benefits. HINT – it's tiny and heart-shaped!
Did you know those tiny hearts stamped on Marchon and Altair frame brands can help increase profitability AND save time? You’ll quickly see which brands count toward your VSP Premier Edge™ frame targets, and your VSP® patients can maximize their benefits when following the hearts to a new favorite frame. Use the resources below to promote frame brands* stamped with the VSP heart logo and keep that frame income where you want it—in YOUR practice.
Watch this quick video to see how the VSP heart stamps can help keep frame purchases in-house.
Through 2025, qualifying VSP members can get an extra $20 toward their frame allowance on four popular brands. (At no cost to you!) Prompt those patients to order their glasses in-house with these downloadable graphics for each brand and handy messaging options.
Meet a few of the Marchon and Altair brands that feature the VSP heart stamp. We’ll highlight three brands each month, so check back regularly.
To place an order or learn more, contact your Marchon/Altair Sales Representative or Customer Service.
Altair: 800.505.5557 Marchon: 800.645.1300
Find out how your frame orders count toward your VSP Premier Edge™ purchase targets. Schedule a complimentary consultation today with a Global Business Development Manager to help make sure you’re maximizing your savings and profitability.